
All emails sent to our Safeguarding Officer are completely confidential and cannot be read by anyone else.

The Safeguarding Officer for the parishes of Holy Trinity Coleford, St Andrew’s Holcombe and St Peter and St Paul Kilmersdon in the East Mendip Trinity benefice is

Gay Curtis
2 Vale View
07938 962097 
[email protected]

Here is our Safeguarding Policy which covers all three churches. This will be updated at our annual meetings in 2025.

All Church staff including Members of Clergy, Lay Reader, Lay Worship Assistants, Churchwardens, some members of the PCC and the Parish Safeguarding Officer hold current enhanced DBS certificates

All Church staff, members of each PCC and most members of each congregation have recently completed the Safeguarding Basic Awareness Course and the Safeguarding Foundation Course.  Members of Clergy, Lay Reader, Lay Worship Assistants and the Parish Safeguarding Officer and have completed the Safeguarding Leadership Course.